Wednesday, November 15, 2006



I have a HUGE announcement to make SOON!

Stay tuned!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chapter 130: Pay It Forward

Hey Guys;

It's just 8:30am here in Edmonton now- and today as been amazing already. God has certainly been moving around here and blessing people for sure.
Well, I just have to tell you a quick little story that happened to me already today. 6:30am rolls around, Danielle and I have YMIT Prayer at school. I don't have a class until 10:50am, so I consider not going (sad I know but...). I wake up.. turn off my alarm clock and lays back down. All of a sudden, a urge came over me. I got up, got dressed and pulled on like 3 shirts, hoddies coats, two pairs of pants, socks... like no joke- it's BITTER cold here. Anyways... we both make it to Prayer and God really showed up. It was a good time in God. Anyways- everyone else had class but me, so I lefted to go home. The 7-Eleven store is right across the road from me so I thinks 'now is my chance to get a nice coffee and some morning cookies... it takes like 5 minutes waiting to cross the MAIN street here in Edmonton, so I grow tired of standing but finally, I can walk across. When I get into the store, I fill up the larges coffee cup, grab a chocolatechip cookie and a long john and go to cash. I put it down, he checks it in- I reach for my wallet... I left it home. Me, standing there- so dumb... started searching my coat for any money what-so-ever but nothing. I start to appologise when a man in the back shouts 'I'll get it for ya, don't worry about it'. A middleaged man walks forth, gets a coffee for himself and takes out money and pays for both of our stuff. I thank him for what he had done and told him if I ever sees him around here again, I'd 'get him back' (there actually is a good chance you'd see a person again in this area). He laughed and said 'nah, all i ask is that you PAY IT FORWARD'!
Yes, Pay It Forward.... I don't know if he had just watched the movie about the kid who tries to do three nice things for people and they're suppose to do three nice things for another three people.. and so on.. but man- it hit me. A complete stranger, here in Edmonton, where everyone warns you not to talk to people you dont know, where you don't take things from strangers, where you are made to believe that you can trsut noone.... this man named Bob steps up and changes my idea of 'Edmonton people'. And it was even by a simple gesture of paying for a coffee.

But yeah, I told him that I'd be praying for him and that I would indeed 'Pay It Forward'!



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chapter 129: God of Wonders Beyond Our Galaxy

Hey Everyone;

I trust that you all are doing well and that you managed to make your way to my blog again, which is a good thing.

Well, I don't really know what to make this blog about. I entitled this blog 'God of Wonders Beyond Our Galaxy' for the simple fact that it has been playing on my mind for the past few months. Until yesterday, I never fully understood the wonders of God, I still don't but man- all I can say... it blows my mind everyday. I wake up- no matter what happens, I think about how awesome it is to live another day- to be here with my friends and family (well, my family is back on the Rock, but you knows what I mean) and that I have the awesome privledge to walk beside God again- for another day. I often wonder why God keeps us around. Why he comes around us, comforts us, guides us or even love us. WHY DO HE? Afterall, we are so unworthy of God's love, mercy and grace. We mess up everyday but thanks be to God for forgiving us! Even in the lowest of lows and the point where you think God just can't forgive you. HE CAN and HE WILL! There is NOTHING that God won't forgive you for- nothing. He loves you, wants to be with you and something new that YMIT has been teaching me- he wants you JUST AS YOU ARE!
Guys, things are changing. God is moving and it's the matter of time before God opens the floodgates of heaven and pours the blessing onto this earth like he has never before have!



Be Blessed;


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chapter 128: Dream + Interpretation

Well Guys;

Rather weird thing happened. I had a dream. (not the MLK Jr. dream but... like the Pharoah's dream I talked about in my last blog). It is rather odd at that and I don't really fully understand it yet- but it was so cool, so I figured I'd tell you all anyways.

Okay- all I can remember at the first of it was that I cut my fingure REALLY bad on something, my left hand, index fingure. It was completly cut all the way through, yet with no blood and the top was just hanging on by a piece of skin. Anyways, I was freaking out (as anyone would be eh?) and running around to all of my friends asking if they would bring me to the hospital. The first half seemed to be here in Edmonton, and all of my friends here was a part of it. The weird thing is that they didn't notice me. I cried out for help from them and they just pushed me aside and went on with their own things. It was like a trance and I was in Newfoundland, and all of my friends back there was doing the same thing to me. Finally I saw a police officer and rushed to him and told him that I needed to go to the hospital and showed him my finger. He pushed me aside as well and left me in the middle of the road... then I collasped - broken.

As soon as I woke up, I remember the dream fully and I understood what it meant.

For so long, I have been putting people in place of God. I have been relying on people to talk to, go to, cry with and laugh with and they became my 'center' in the dream. However, when things got bad, I turned to them but this time they didn't want me- they pushed me out of the picture and ignored me, even though I was 'dying' as such in the dream- after every person that pushed me away, I became weaker and weaker... and finally after the last person that I thought would help me (the police officer) pushed me away and then I died. The dream helped me see that I depend on people too much. I try to rush to them whenever anything happens.. with the end result of me- dying(according to the dream).

Anyways, it was cool and my first dream like that.
I'm not saying it's 'from God' or any master 'interpretation' or anything else related to that whole lot... but I understood it, I could see it relate to me... and it was cool.

Blessings People;


Monday, October 30, 2006

Chapter 127: I Stand Amazed

Hey Everyone;

It's so like twenty after twelve here in Edmonton- which makes it like almost four back home on the Rock. I was just reading my bible and listening to the song 'I Stand Amazed' by Passion Band. God directed my to a passage in Genesis where Pharaoh had two dreams- one of cows and another of grains- where the weak/poor ate the good/strong cows and grains. Thanks to Joseph, Pharaoh got an interpetation of his dream, which was that his land would go through seven years of good times, and then seven years would follow of severe famine. Pharaoh made Joseph ruler of Egypt and everyone had to obey his commands. He decided to store up food during the seven good years and sell it during the bad years- and this is what he done.

It's just funny how time and time again people in the bible has a dream and seeks all the crazy people to interpet it eh? They go to the people who study the stars above them, the people who believe in horoscopes and all that nonsense- and all the times they do, none of them can tell them what the dreams mean. It takes a real man of God to see what the dreams mean- and that's who I want to be.

God has been laying several things on my heart to deal with my future ministry. I don't know if Vanguard is in that totally yet, if another school here is, or a school somewhere else- or just work. God is really showing that people are called to very different areas to share the gospel with the rest of the world. A writer is a huge step in that direction for me, and it's sortta what I feel I am called to do... but must I persue more time at Vanguard College before I can continue? That's totally up to God.

Anyways; I just thought I'd share that little but with you before I fall asleep, and also I want to post the lyrics to the song I mentioned earlier- take a strong hold onto the lyrics becuase they are amazing.

I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.


O how marvelous!
O how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
O how marvelous!
O how wonderful!
Is my Savior’s love for me!

For me it was in the garden
He prayed: “Not My will, but Thine.”
He had no tears for His own griefs,
But sweat drops of blood for mine.


In pity angels beheld Him,
And came from the world of light
To comfort Him in the sorrows
He bore for my soul that night.


He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary,
And suffered and died alone.


When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me.

Blessings People;


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Chapter 126: Busy Week+end


There is no better word to describe this past week then the one I choose. Well, last Monday was the beginning of Modular week- thus resulting in 8 hour days and very busy days, cause anythign extra I needed to do had to be done between the hours of 6-11(I go to bed normally by 11). But yeah... so that took us all week- and than Friday took us up too 3:45, when we got out. At four, YMIT went and done another service, this time at Northwest Pentecostal church- it was amazing. We played games, worshiped and listened to Lorne speak.. and as always- after the service we played more games and ate Pizza! Woohoo!

Saturday was another busy day- I got a job at the Bargin Shop, I'll start Saturday. I have to wait and see how it'll mess my Student Loan- if it has ANY affect, I won't take the position.

Today, Sunday- some of the SPL students had to do ministry work at the Bareen(spell) Church of God, which is a small 'house' church, with 95% of East Indian people. It was pretty good, I was responsible to give my testimony- which went rather well. :) I got to meet Brother Brad's son- Brett. He totally wanted my blog address and seemed rather impressed when I told him that I write. :) - Anyways, I'm sure you found you're way here man.. have a good time reading everything I have to say, and it was good to meet you!

Well, tomorrow - Monday! Paul at 8... I'm SO totally NOT looking forward to that. They should give us Monday as a rest day, glory be by's.... the Missions team got back late last night, the rest of us had a tiresome week with MOD.... give us a break! Come Christmas eh!

Anyways... I'm gone!



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chapter 125: The Official Josh Thomas BroadCast PodCast


It's here. I have mentioned it before and it's finally here! The OFFICIAL JOSH THOMAS BROADCAST PODCAST- despite the doubt of some, it's here and it's gonna be big! :) (i wish...)

Anyways... Chapter One of the BroadCast PodCast is just a random intro of me welcoming you all and learning a simple lesson about garbage. It's not much but I have a intro put together and a closing... WITH music... haha! My video editing skills seem to have gone down the drain, simple due to the fact I worked with my desktop back on the Rock, and now all I have is this laptop.. with alot less programs! :( - It's all good tho... it's simple, fun and hopefully... it'll keep people informed about me, my life and my boring days- which happens quite a bit. I have a number of different things planned for this podcast and hopefully it'll last at least a few months... at random times. It's basically just to show you my life here in the big city of Edmonton!

Anyways, I won't keep you waiting so here it is: Chapter One of the Josh Thomas Broadcast PodCast:

